Case Studies

Sites using ViraXpress with VX theme.

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Compare CBDs – Efficient Product Aggregation and SEO Optimization

At Compare CBDs (, we’ve implemented an innovative solution to aggregate and display products from multiple websites efficiently, without affecting the parent sites' performance. Using the Python Scrapy tool, we dynamically scrape product data and store it in a Postgres database.

To ensure data accuracy and cleanliness, we utilize an ETL process that cleans, formats, and standardizes the data according to Magento requirements. This structured data is then seamlessly transferred from Postgres to the Compare CBDs platform, adhering to Magento’s frontend format, ready to be presented to users.

A major challenge was avoiding SEO duplication issues. To address this, we employed OpenAI technology to dynamically generate new and unique short descriptions, ensuring the content remains fresh and optimized for search engines. All product links, redirects, and related metadata are created and managed dynamically without human intervention.

For performance, we implemented the VX Theme from ViraXpress (, which is specifically designed to handle millions of products and serve content rapidly to end-users. The VX theme provides a highly optimized user experience and ensures that our site achieves 100% SEO compliance for improved search engine rankings.

This solution allows us to manage large-scale data efficiently while maintaining optimal speed, SEO standards, and a seamless user experience—all without manual involvement.

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