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The Ultimate Magento Theme

Speed, SEO, and Stylish
Blazing Fast and SEO-Optimized

Experience the fastest, ready-to-use theme on the market, meticulously designed for 100% SEO efficiency outperforming all competitors.

Resource-Efficient Performance

Operate smoothly with minimal resources: our theme runs efficiently on just 4 GB RAM and an AWS LightSail Shared Server, handling decent traffic with ease.

Open-Source Flexibility

Enjoy the best of both worlds with our open-source theme access and customize core functionalities without incurring additional costs, while third-party features may come with a price.

Native Magento Integration

Unlike other solutions, we’ve preserved all core functionalities and avoided complex new backends. Our theme is 100% native to core Magento and adheres to its standards.

Seamless Page-Builder Compatibility

Our theme is fully compatible with Magento 2 default page-builder content types, integrating seamlessly for a smooth design experience.  

Dynamic Homepage Creation

Create dynamic homepages effortlessly with our default page-builder support, offering flexible and consistent design customization tools often unavailable from third-party providers.  

Automated Style Management  

Experience streamlined design with automated style management for ViraXpress child themes, enabling dynamic and customization while ensuring efficient loading of theme-specific styles.  

Tailwind Command Automation  

Enjoy automated Tailwind command execution with every new CMS block or page creation, dynamically loading styles without manual npm command execution.  

 Minicart Quantity Editing

  Edit product quantities directly in the minicart for a more intuitive shopping experience.

 Dynamic "Add to Cart"

  Experience dynamic cart updates with our "Add to Cart" functionality, eliminating the need for page reloads and improving user interaction.

 Optimized Product Images

  Benefit from optimized product images that load only when visible in the viewport, enhancing user experience and reducing page load times.

Responsive Image Resizing  

  Enjoy dynamic resizing of product images for both list and grid views, ensuring an optimal display across various devices.

Lightbox Zoom Feature 

Enhance product detail pages with our lightbox zoom option, providing an immersive viewing experience.  

Mobile-Friendly Quantity Controls

Benefit from quantity increment and decrement buttons designed specifically for an improved mobile user experience.  

Enhanced Confirmation Pop-ups  

Gain clarity with pop-up confirmations similar to Magento 2’s default behavior, ensuring clear prompts for critical actions and enhancing data security.  

  Customizable Theme Colors

Easily change the primary theme color through store configuration, updating your entire site’s color scheme without the need for manual Tailwind commands.  

Sticky Header Configuration

  Enjoy the convenience of an inbuilt configuration for a sticky header, enhancing navigation and user experience.

Social Links Management

Effortlessly manage social links with our inbuilt configuration, ensuring easy access and integration.

  Fewer Third-Party Libraries

   Fewer third-party open source libraries compared to other solution providers.

Best Practices and Design Excellence

  Our Magento theme is crafted with best practices and design principles, ensuring a polished and professional appearance.