Why Choose ViraXpress?

The Perfect Blend of Familiar Tech, High Performance, and Transparency

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Many people ask why they should choose ViraXpress over other popular service providers. To answer that, let’s dive into the key points that set us apart.

First, let’s address the similarities. Yes, we use the same tech stack Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS as some other well-known providers in the market. We chose this tech stack for a very practical reason: the limited options available for lightweight, high-performing front-end JavaScript frameworks. Our goal wasn’t to reinvent the wheel, but rather to select a proven solution that avoids introducing new or complex technologies to the Magento community. We understand how important it is to provide a seamless development path that’s accessible and efficient, without adding unnecessary complexity.

In the Magento ecosystem, there are two primary front-end solutions that dominate: the default Luma theme, which runs on Require.js, and the others built using Alpine.js. Both have proven their popularity and are well understood by Magento developers globally. Now, while we have chosen to work with the Alpine.js framework, we must emphasize that our implementation is entirely different from any other service provider using the same tech stack.

By sticking with familiar tools, we help developers avoid the steep learning curve that often comes with adopting new tech stacks. With Alpine.js and Tailwind, we stay close to what developers are already comfortable with, minimizing the need for retraining and making it easier for businesses and clients to embrace our solution.

Now, here’s where we differ. Unlike some other service providers, our ViraXpress VX theme is designed to stay as close as possible to native Magento functionality. We don’t strip down features or move away from Magento’s core capabilities. This means that Magento developers who are used to working with the default Luma theme can enjoy a similar development experience with VX, while benefiting from significantly improved performance.

We’ve also taken the time to innovate. Our implementation introduces out-of-the-box logic that brings together high performance and excellent SEO scores, all without sacrificing any Magento front-end features. In fact, one of the standout aspects of VX is its ability to run efficiently on minimal server resources, thanks to the optimization of our code.

Finally, what truly sets us apart is our transparency. Unlike some providers that offer closed systems, ViraXpress is completely open-source theme. We’ve open-sourced our code to show the community that we’re not just about delivering great solutions, but also about being trustworthy and transparent in how we operate.


With ViraXpress, you get the best of both worlds a familiar tech stack that’s lightweight and efficient, and a front-end solution that remains true to Magento’s native capabilities while offering high performance and minimal resource usage. It’s the ideal combination for developers and clients looking for an optimized, future-proof Magento experience.